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A Finep

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TAFTIE gathers 29 agencies supporting innovation from 27 European companies. In 2014, with the goal to strengthen the Network relevant non-European agencies were allowed to become members. Together with the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIA), Finep became TAFTIE’s international partner in November 2014.

TAFTIE promotes the exchange of experiences among its members, organizing forums to discuss the issues related to innovation supporting activities and its challenges. Furthermore, the TAFTIE Academy trains employees of member agencies, establishing a yearly training schedule based on the consultation rounds with its affiliates.


The European Network of Innovation Agencies (TAFTIE)

  • Exchange of operational and management experiences
  • Training and cooperation to support innovation projects


TAFTIE Academy

  • Develop training as per membership request
  • Workgroups with representatives from several agencies to conduct studies and research on priority themes as indicated in annual forums.
Editais 2023 - realização Cebraspe
Editais 2013 - realização Cesgranrio
Editais 2011 - realização Cesgranrio
Editais 2001 - realização Cespe/UnB
Editais 2000 - realização Cespe/UnB